Jeanne Owens, author

Blog about author Jeanne Owens and her writing


Which Will You Choose – Stream of Consciousness Saturday #SoCS


Which Will You Choose is back!” said the announcer, as the show returned from the commercial break. “Thank you for watching our special Halloween episode, brought to you by our special sponsor, Frank ‘n’ Stein’s new monster sandwiches, which come with three times the meat and toppings.  Now, let’s join Roger as he tries to make his choice.”

The camera panned over to Roger sitting on a stool on one side of the stage. On the other side of the stage, three women dressed as witches sat on stools, their heads lowered meekly and their hands clasped tightly in their laps in nervous anticipation.

“Now, then, Roger,” said the show’s host as he walked up to the middle of the stage and faced the young man. “You’ve had your chance to question the three contestants and you’ve had some time to think over their responses. The time has finally come to make your decision. Now tell us who the lucky winner of a date with you will be. Which witch will you choose?”

Roger looked from one witch to the next as the studio audience waited with bated breath for his answer. The three contestants each wrung their hands nervously as they awaited his answer.

“I choose…” Roger finally said, dragging his answer out and increasing the tension in the air. “I choose….witch number 3!”

Joyful music played and black and orange confetti fell from the ceiling. Witch number 3 jumped up from her stool and shook hands with the other two contestants, then walked over to join Roger and the host at center stage while the other two witches applauded her.

As Roger and his date shook hands in greeting the host congratulated them and wished them luck on their date, then ended the episode by facing the camera and saying, “Well, that’s our show for today. Thank you all for watching, and happy Halloween!”

This silly post is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, “which/witch/wich”:

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Oct. 28/17


Embrace The Strange & Weird – One-liner Wednesday #1linerWeds

With Halloween right around the corner, this seems appropriate:



“Don’t ever be ashamed of loving the strange things that make your weird little heart happy.” – Elizabeth Gilbert



This post is part of One-liner Wednesday:

One-Liner Wednesday – Mercury?


(quote image found on Pinterest)



The Little Italian Traveling Chair

A few months back, I was asked to write some children’s short stories, to be turned into a book. And now, that book is finally available.

Introducing, The Little Italian Traveling Chair!



Young Luca is given a wooden chair for a Christmas, a gift made especially for him by his grandfather. It’s no ordinary chair, though. This chair comes to life for Luca and takes the small boy traveling to different countries.

Join Luca and his magic traveling chair on their adventures as they travel from Italy to explore new places.

Recommend for ages 7 and up.

Available now in paperback from Amazon.

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‘Tis The Season – Stream of Consciousness Saturday #SoCS



Leaves changing color.

A nip in the air.

Days growing shorter.

Pumpkin Spice everywhere.

Candy corn on the shelves.

Scary movies on the screen.

Jack o’lanterns and witches,

black cats and ghosts,

decorating the yards

and everyone’s homes.

Excited children deciding

on costumes to wear.

It’s that time of year again;

‘Tis the Halloween season.




This post is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday post, “season”:

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Oct. 21/17

(Morticia meme found on Pinterest)

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Assault – Tuesday Use It In A Sentence #tuesdayuseitinasentence

Having completed his mission to eavesdrop and overhear the plans for the rebels’s upcoming assault, he started to leave but was spotted by some guards who quickly assaulted him.



This post is part of the Tuesday Use It In A Sentence prompt, “assault”:

#tuesdayuseitinasentence ~ Assault


Well Enough – Stream of Consciousness Saturday #SoCS


Leslie sat at the cafe table, staring out the window without really seeing anything. Her laptop sat open on the table in front of her with the screensaver running. A cup of tea sat forgotten next to it.

Michelle walked into the cafe and, spotting Leslie, made her way over to her. “Well, well, well,” she said. “Fancy meeting you here, Les.”

Leslie turned from the window and smiled at her friend. “Hey there, Michelle. Long time, no see. Have a seat.”

“Thanks,” Michelle replied, settling down in the seat across from her. “So, what have you been up to lately?”

“Oh, nothing much. Just keeping busy. And you?”

“The same. Staying busy.” She pointed to the laptop. ‘How’s that book of yours coming along?

“Well enough, I guess,” Leslie replied flatly.

Michelle frowned at her tone. “Oh? It doesn’t sound like it. What’s wrong? Have you hit a case of writer’s block?”

“I guess you could say that. It feels like my characters have stopped talking to me. I think my well of ideas might have dried up.”

“Anything I can do to help, Les? I know how much writing that book’s meant to you.”

“I don’t know. I need something to give me some ideas. Tell me what’s been going on with you lately. Maybe I’ll get an idea I can use – if you don’t mind me using it.”

“Of course I don’t mind. Anything to help. Ok?”


The two friends chatted back and forth for a few minutes, and Michelle told her stories of what had been going on in her life, including all the drama and all the funny happenings. After a while, Michelle had to leave. As they said good-bye, Michelle noticed a glimmer in Leslie’s eye, and she smiled.

“I take it from the look in your eye, Les, that I was able to help you. I’m glad.”

“Yes,” Leslie said with a grin. “You did help me out greatly, Michelle. You’ve given me some ideas, and my characters are starting to whisper to me again. Thank you.”

“Great! Glad to help. Don’t forget to mention me in your acknowledgments,” she said with a wink.

“I will. Let’s meet again soon so I can show you what I’ve come up with.”

“Sure! I’d like that.”

Michelle left, and Leslie sat back down, woke up her laptop, and started typing away with a smile.

This story is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, “well”:

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Oct. 14/17


Don’t Miss It – One-liner Wednesday #1llinerWeds

Something I saw on Facebook the other day:


“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller



(image is on my Pinterest)


This post is part of One-liner Wednesday:

One-Liner Wednesday – A Twofer!

