Jeanne Owens, author

Blog about author Jeanne Owens and her writing

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State – Tuesday Use It In A Sentence #tuesdayuseitinasentence

After everything he’d been through recently, he couldn’t help feeling depressed, but he knew he needed to do something to change his state of mind so he took his best friend’s advice and decided to take a road trip and go out of state to get away for a while and clear his head.

This post is part of the Tuesday Use It In A Sentence prompt, “state”:

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Rebirth – Tuesday Use It In A Sentence #tuesdayuseitinasentence

Surveying the damage the battle had done to his city, the prince stood on the ramparts of his castle and swore to his fallen king and father that, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the kingdom would have a rebirth and he would rebuild it better than ever.

This post is part of the Tuesday Use It In A Sentence prompt, “rebirth”:


Positive – Tuesday Use It In A Sentence #tuesdayuseitinasentence

They crouched behind the stack of crates and peered around the side at the guarded bunker. Nick frowned. There were more guards than expected.

“I don’t know, Dan. Are you positive this will work?”

“Of course I am. Have I ever been wrong before?”

Nick gave him a sidelong look.

“Ok, ok.,” Dan conceded. “Aside from those times. But this will work, Nick. I’m sure of it. Think positive!”

Nick sighed and readjusted his weapons, getting ready for when the signal came.

A few moments later, a loud noise sounded from near the bunker and the guards left to investigate. A whistle sounded from nearby. That was their signal. No time for second thoughts now.

Nick and Dan broke their cover and charged the bunker.

This post is part of the Tuesday Use It In A Sentence prompt, “positive”:


Gasp – Tuesday Use It In A Sentence #tuesdayuseitinasentence

When the countdown to midnight reached zero, confetti fell and people began singing Auld Lang Syne. Except for Teresa. At the end of the countdown, she let out a surprised gasp when Nate dropped to one knee beside her and held out a ring. Her excited “yes” was almost drowned out by the happy singing around them.

This late post is part of the Tuesday Use It In A Sentence prompt, “gasp”:

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Conspire – Tuesday Use It In A Sentence #tuesdayuseitinasentence

The young prince paced his room as he pondered what he should do. Should he tell his father what he’d overheard? Or should he try to do something on his own? The king trusted his advisor completely, and considering that he hadn’t ever acted in a reliable manner, his father wasn’t likely to believe him if he told him his advisor was conspiring against him with the enemy.

He might’ve been considered unreliable and irresponsible by his father, but the prince couldn’t let what he’d heard go without taking action. He decided that if the king wouldn’t believe him, he’d have to conspire on his own to fight back against his father’s advisor and save his kingdom. He began to make a list of who he could try to recruit to help him.

This post is part of the Tuesday Use It In A Sentence prompt, “conspire”:


Distress – Tuesday Use It In A Sentence #tuesdayuseitinasentence

He was walking home when he heard the faint cries of a cat in distress coming from a nearby park. Curious and worried, he followed the sound to a tree. Looking around, he spotted a scared kitten stuck on a low branch. He hadn’t climbed a tree in a long time, but the kitten’s plaintive cries spurred him into action. He climbed up and grabbed the kitten, then carefully made his way back down. As he reached the ground, he gave thanks that he was able to rescue the kitten and that he hadn’t had to climb very far. Otherwise, there might have been two creatures stuck up the tree in distress.

This post is part of the Tuesday Use It In A Sentence prompt, “distress”:

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Zealous – Tuesday Use It In A Sentence #tuesdayuseitinasentence

She hadn’t been in a festive mood and hadn’t done any decorating all season, causing her neighbors to start calling her Scrooge. But when her soldier husband called the day before Christmas Eve and said he would be able to come home for Christmas after all, she was zealous in her efforts to get all the decorating done.

This day-late post is part of the Tuesday Use It In A Sentence prompt, “zealous”:


Wallow – Tuesday Use It In A Sentence #tuesdayuseitinasentence

After snapping at her children for letting the dog slip outside, she hastily chased after it. A few moments later, she found the wayward yellow Labrador wallowing in a mud puddle. “Oh, Mitzy,” she groaned as the dog rolled around happily. “Now I’ll have to give you another bath.”

This day-late post is part of the Tuesday Use It In A Sentence prompt, “wallow”:


View – Tuesday Use It In A Sentence #tuesdayuseitinasentence

He stood on the balcony and stared at the montains in the distance. The view was incredible, he thought, agreeing with what everyone at the hotel had told him. Then she stepped up behind him. He turned and saw her all dressed up for their dinner date, and thought the sight of her was a more breathtaking view. He grinned and offered her his arm.

This post is part the Tuesday Use It In A Sentence prompt, “view”:

#tuesdayuseitinasentence ~ View


Union – Tuesday Use It In A Sentence #tuesdayuseitinasentence

She paced her room, fuming at the news that her father was thinking of marrying her off. True, the union would help her kingdom, but she’d rather die than marry that pompous prince from the neighboring kingdom! She shuddered at the thought. There had to be another way to save the kingdom…

She paused as she remembered an old story, a myth about a lost treasure. Would that save her kingdom and stop the union?  Thinking it might, she decided to go find it. She knew the journey would likely be dangerous, but it was better than getting married.

She grabbed a cloak and slipped out her bedroom window into the night.

This day-late post is part of the Tuesday Use It In A Sentence prompt, “union”:

#tuesdayuseitinasentence ~ Union