Jeanne Owens, author

Blog about author Jeanne Owens and her writing

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4 Tips to Writing Expanding a Novel into a Series – by Vivek Hariharan…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

on Live Write Thrive:

Ever since the enormous success of the Harry Potter saga, there have been many writers who stopped writing single novels and focused on writing a series of novels. The successful ones that made waves in the world of fiction are Eragon with four books, The Hunger Games Trilogy, Divergent Trilogy, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Twilight Saga, and the 50 Shades of Grey series.

Novels in a series are more likely to become blockbusters and chartbusters than individual books unless the author is already world renown.

Keeping this in mind, you might have the urge to expand the novel that you have written so carefully into a massive series. However, that is not an easy task. It would mean expanding the world, introducing new characters, building new timelines, creating back stories for the characters, and integrating all of this into each novel without losing the essence…

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6 Questions to Help You Avoid Repetitive Scenes – by K.M. Weiland…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

on Helping Writers become Authors:

It takes a lot of scenes to make a novel.

Not only do we need enough scenes to progress the plot and get the characters from Point A to Point B, we also need to reach a certain word count so the book can be a novel. (Or the movie can be a movie. Ya know.)

So how can you make sure you’re not just filling out that word count with repetitive scenes?

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Boo Who – Stream of Consciousness Saturday #SoCS



The small group of 5 children sat on the floor in the dark living room. One of them held a lit flashlight below his face so it gave him a spooky appearance while he told the others his ghost story.

“And as she turned to look, she saw the bloody hook!” Mike exclaimed as he finished his story.

Three of other kids let out small cries of fear. The other commented, “That wasn’t all that scary, Mike.”

“Really, Dennis?” Mike replied, lowering his flashlight to shine on Dennis. “Then why are you trembling? And why did your voice sound a little high pitched?”

Dennis frowned. “My turn for a story,” he said. “Give me that.”

Mike reached over to hand him the flashlight when he saw movement behind he couch. He froze and gasped. 

“What’s wrong?” Dennis asked.

Mike pointed with a trembling finger. Dennis and the others turned to look.

Behind the couch stood a tall, cloaked figure. Its arms began to wave and it started to make moaning noises. Then it started to move around the couch and towards them. The children all stood up and started screaming and backing away.

As it neared the children, the figure suddenly removed the cloak and cried out, ‘BOO!”

The other children screamed, but Mike recovered his wits enough to shine his flashlight on the figure. He rolled his eyes. “Mom….” he sighed with embarrassment.

His mom chuckled. “Happy Halloween, kids.”

This post is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, “boo”:

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS October 30, 2021



How to Write Point of View, Part 6, Common Pitfalls

Story Empire

Pictures of single eyes scattered atop one another and ringed by purple, red, or yellow eye shadow. From Pixabay.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Hi SErs! Harmony here 🙂 Today, I’d like to talk about how to write Point of View (POV) and the common pitfalls to watch out for.

As you have seen, each POV choice comes with its pros and cons. So, too, choice of perspective comes with common pitfalls that you’ll find it useful to be aware of.

The Common Pitfalls of Various POVs:

  1. Head Hopping
  2. All characters thinking in the same style
  3. POV impossibilities
  4. Passive Writing
  5. POV doesn’t fit your story

How do you address and avoid these POV pitfalls?

Let’s start with number one on the list … chronic head hopping happens when the narrative switches from the head (pov) of character A to character B or C, etc. without warning. Generally, the best way to change POV is to give your readers a clue that a shift is taking place. Such a…

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The Delayed Buyer Effect

Nicholas C. Rossis

Book marketing | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's book

Mina Baturan recently shared a helpful tip on her Facebook Group, AmWritingFantasy. She calls it The Delayed Buyer Effect and it is the result of what happens when someone sees your ad, wants to read your book, but doesn’t buy or download. Or does download with Kindle Unlimited, but doesn’t start reading right away. This means you should careful not to stop your ads before they have a chance to do so.

Most advertisers don’t factor in The Delayed Buyer Effect when determining the success of their ad. This can result in an advertiser having a great Cost Per Click and Relevancy Score but shutting their ad off after a few days because they are spending more than they’re making.

And who wants to do that?

Realistically though, if you lose a little money on week one, break even on week two, and then turn a profit from week…

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The Before and After of Writers

Story Empire

Hello SE friends, Gwen with you today, and I want to begin with a few questions.

Remember years ago, before you started writing? Remember how you spent your day, what your concerns were, how you measured success? It seems like a long time ago, doesn’t it?

When I considered these questions, I realized that writing can turn our personal worlds upside down. And if we look back to who we were before we began writing, we just might find a person we barely know. Our interests have changed, our values have shifted or become more refined. In effect, we’ve grown up – through the process of writing.

How could that be? What has changed?

If we could gather and share stories, I suspect we’d come up with a long list of examples of how writing has changed us. But without that gathering, I’m going to take the leap and offer…

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How Far is Too Far? How Narrative Distance Affects Telling By Janice Hardy…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

on Fiction University:

There can be a fine line between a far narrative distance and telling.

Not all points of view use the same narrative distance. A first-person point of view pulls readers in close, while an omniscient point of view keeps them at a distance. Both are valid narrative distances, but the farther away you get from the reader, the riskier it is you’ll slip up and start telling instead of showing.

Maybe you pull away from the narrative for style, or because you want to show more than just what the point of view character knows. Maybe you aren’t comfortable inside a character’s head and don’t yet know what’s going on in there. Or maybe your point-of-view-skills are still a little shaky and you don’t even realize you’re doing it—until your get feedback with comments such as “this feels told” or “I felt detached from the character.”


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