Jeanne Owens, author

Blog about author Jeanne Owens and her writing

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A Dangerous Business – Stream of Consciousness Saturday #SoCS



(quote image is from my Pinterest)

Today’s Stream of Consciousness prompt is “door” and to write about a door you walked through this week that wasn’t your own. Of course, as soon as I saw the word “door” the first thing that came to mind was this Lord of the Rings quote and how much I wished that walking out my door would lead me at least once on some great adventure instead of just back and forth to work and whatnot. Not many of the doors I walk through every day are all that exciting at all. Mainly they’re just the doors at work or the doors at the store. Probably the most exciting and somewhat dangerous door is the door at Wal-mart. At least there you have a chance of seeing something worth talking about (i.e. something or someone “People Of Wal-mart” worthy) and can occasionally complain about only going in for one thing and coming out with a cart full stuff. But one good thing was that while stopping by Wal-mart today, the Girl Scouts were set up by the doors selling cookies, so of course I had to get a box 🙂 And I managed to come out of the store with more than I intended to get (but not much more, thank goodness).


This rambling post is brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday:

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Feb. 24/18

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Gone But Not Forgotten – One-liner Wednesday #1linerWeds

(image found on Pinterest)

Today marks 4 years since my Cinnamon girl crossed the Rainbow Bridge and became an angel. I miss you my sweet Cinny and I’ll see you again one day across the Bridge.




This post is part of One-liner Wednesday:

One-Liner Wednesday – The Perfect Toy


Her Again – Stream of Consciousness Saturday #SoCS



His phone rang, and he looked to see who was calling.

“Her again,” he groaned when he read the caller ID. Didn’t she have anything better to do? Didn’t she know how much he had to do?

The phone rang a few more times as he debated whether to answer or not. Finally, he picked it up and answered it just before it could go to the answering machine.

“Hello,” he sighed.

He listened for a few seconds. “Yes, yes, I know,” he said.

He listened a few more seconds. “Uh huh,” he grunted. “Right. Yes, I understand.”

He listened again for a few seconds. “Yeah, yeah, I know that,” he muttered as he rolled his eyes.

He listened for a few more seconds, then heaved a sigh. “Fine,” he conceded. “Okay, I’ll be right over.” He started to hang up, but the voice on the other end said one last thing, and he replied, “Yeah, I love you, too, Mom.”


This post is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, “his/her(s)”:

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Feb. 17/18




Happy Valentines’s Day – One-liner Wednesay #1linerWeds

Happy Valentine’s Day!


“All you need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles M. Schulz


And so, remember:



(images found on Pinterest)

This post is part of One-liner Wednesday:

One-Liner Wednesday – My Existential Fridge


In Other Words… – Stream of Consciousness Saturday #SoCS



Zeke poked his head into the room where Trisha sat at the desk in front of her laptop, her back to the door.

“Dinner’s almost ready, Trish,” he called to her. “How’s it going with the story?”

“Great,” she replied, her hands poised over the keyboard.

“It is?”

“Yeah. It’s coming along just fine. Fine and dandy. Dandy and fine.”


“Yep. It’s splendiferous. Magnificent. Outstanding.”

“In other words, you’re stuck.”

Trisha hung her head. “Yes.”

“Well, maybe a break will help. Come have dinner.”

“Very well,” she replied and, with a sigh, she rose and joined Zeke for dinner.


This post is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, “in other words”:

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Feb. 3/18