Jeanne Owens, author

Blog about author Jeanne Owens and her writing

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You Should Be Writing

A few “You should be writing” inspiration prompts, geek style, from my Pinterest. If you’re a geek, enjoy 🙂



And a funny one for good measure


Here comes the rain – Stream of Consciousness Saturday (hear/here)

Here comes the rain again. I can hear it outside, pounding on the pavement. I hate rainy days. The cloudy skies make me feel tired and like I don’t want to do anything but rest, not even work on my writing, and just kick back on the couch and watch a dvd or read. I do think I’m more like a plant that way, thriving on sunlight 🙂 I may try to work on some writing later, as I do have an idea for the next scene or two, and maybe put on some rock or J-rock to try to drown out the sound of the rain. But I do have a couple of chores to do around here first.

So, that’s what Saturday is like around here today: rain, and internet connection trouble.

Part of Stream of Consciousness Saturday: