Jeanne Owens, author

Blog about author Jeanne Owens and her writing


Taking the Time – Stream of Consciousness Saturday (Time)


Let me take the time this morning while I have it to make this post. And let me say that the prompt for today is quite coincidental because I was thinking of making a post about time and writing. I’ve been so busy the last week or so that I’ve not been able to really find the time to do much writing. It seemed like I would plan to do some writing, and then something would come up that would keep me from it. Or when I did actually manage to have the time, I was so tired I didn’t feel like doing any writing because I didn’t feel I could focus on it. Best laid plans, and all that. So in the last week or so I have not managed to get any writing done on my book, not even keeping to my word count goal. But I did have a couple of ideas for it.

I saw a picture on Facebook yesterday that I need to keep in mind: to treat writing like a job, and to sit down and write something, anything, even when you don’t feel like it or feel inspired, that creativity will flow once you start writing. But for me the trick is finding the time – or, probably more accurately, taking the time – to write, to make myself not be distracted by other things and to just sit down and write. It’ll be hard to do though, because life keeps trying to interfere. But that’s the struggle any author faces, right?

One last thing: When I thought up the title for this post, one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite bands came to mind – Take The Time by Dream Theater – and I had it on in the background as I typed this.


This post is part of Stream of Consciousness Saturday: