Jeanne Owens, author

Blog about author Jeanne Owens and her writing


Abused elephant rescued by Wildlife S.O.S. –

This is such a great story! An elephant held in captivity and abused for 50 years is finally rescued and set free, and even cries tears of joy.


Abused elephant rescued by Wildlife S.O.S. –


Out, damned spot! – Just Jot It July

Lady Macbeth’s famous line seems somewhat fitting for today. But whereas she was speaking of blood, my experience is bloodless. See, I was drinking some strawberry-flavored water at work today (I had put one of those powdered flavor things into a bottle of water), and only had a couple of sips left when, wouldn’t you know it, a few drops dribbled onto my shirt. And I just happened to be wearing white today, too. Doesn’t it always seem to work out that way, that when you spill food or drink on yourself, it seems to happen mostly when you’re wearing white? Well, as soon as I got home, I changed clothes and ran a small load of laundry in the washer so I could get my shirt cleaned ASAP. Thank God for Spray & Wash. I made sure to use some of it and, unlike Lady Macbeth, the stain is out 🙂




This post is part of Just Jot It July

Just Jot it July