Jeanne Owens, author

Blog about author Jeanne Owens and her writing


TO ALL BLOGGERS! Millions of WordPress accounts targeted in major cyberattack


Hundreds of thousands ofWordPress websiteswere targeted over the course of 24 hours in a large scale cyberattack with the aim of harvesting database credentials.

The cybercriminals behind the attack were attempting to download the wp-config.php configuration files from users WordPress sites as they contain valuable information including database credentials, connection info, authentication unique keys and salts.

For more information, Check out this link NOW:

I have found a lot of messages asking me to click on a link to get more followers, you may have received some too, but don’t click on the links!

Make sure your passwords are strong and don’t post anything personal.

If you find any messages asking to click on a link, spam them right away and permanently bin them. If someone asks you for any personal info, don’t answer and spam them.

Stay safe everyone and share this post to alert…

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