Jeanne Owens, author

Blog about author Jeanne Owens and her writing

In The Cards – Stream Of Consciousness Saturday #SoCS




Hillary left the fortune teller’s shop feeling a mixture of happiness and dread. The tarot card reading she’d gotten had turned up both the Death card and the Lovers card along with the Wheel of Fortune, and Hillary wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. Was she going to meet her soul mate? Was someone going to die? What did the cards mean? The fortune teller hadn’t been very clear on that part. Maybe she needed to go to a different fortune teller.

As she walked along, thinking of various scenarios of how the cards might play out, Hillary passed by an alleyway. As she did, she heard a small, faint meowing coming from the alley. She walked into the alley and searched for the source of the sound.

At the back of the alley was a pile of junk. As Hillary drew closer to it, she heard the meowing again and could just barely make out a pair of tiny yellow eyes peering out from among the junk.

The eyes were near the ground, in the crack between a couple of large pieces laying near each other. Hillary knelt down to get a closer look, and as she did, a scrawny ginger tabby kitten crawled out and walked slowly towards her.

Hillary carefully reached out a hand towards the kitten, and it came close enough that she could pet it. The kitten was small and thin and looked half starved. Hillary felt sorry for it. She carefully tried to pick up the kitten, and it let her.

The kitten purred as she held it in her hands, and it looked up at her and let out a small mew.

That decided it.

“You’re so sweet,” she told the kitten. “I’m going to take you home with me. I can’t leave you out here and let you starve to death.”

As she left the alley with the kitten, she genuinely smiled for the first time in a long time as she made plans to stop into a nearby store to get some supplies for the kitten and to take it to the vet in the morning for a checkup.

In the back of her mind, she realized the tarot cards had been right, after all.



Note: Death card meaning: change, endings, beginnings, transitions, transformations. Lovers card meanings:  love, union, relationships, choices, alignment of values. Wheel of Fortune card: good luck, karma, destiny, a turning point.


This post is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, “card”:

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Oct. 6/18

Author: jowensauthor

I'm a geeky, animal/cat-loving author of Fantasy and YA Fiction. I'm a supporter of animal charities such as the WWF. I'm also a fan of anime and sci-fi/fantasy. I'm an avid reader as well, and enjoy mainly reading fantasies, mysteries, and books about animals. I have a B.A. in History with a minor in English. I also dabble in making jewelry, reading tarot, and am interested in the paranormal. You can find out more about me and my various books and writings at my website: You can also find me on Facebook, Google+, Tumblr, Twitter, Goodreads, and Pinterest.

4 thoughts on “In The Cards – Stream Of Consciousness Saturday #SoCS

  1. Nice one! I can relate to her taking the cat home, having recently met a friend’s adorable ginger kittens.This week’s prompt inspired tarot related thoughts for me too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great story Jeanne, Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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