Jeanne Owens, author

Blog about author Jeanne Owens and her writing


First Post Challenge

Thank you to Linda for tagging me for this challenge. It’s a nice little nostalgia trip, going back and looking at my first post after a year here on WordPress.

The rules are:
Copy-paste, link, pingback, etc. your first post.

Identify the post: introduction, story, poem.

Explain why it was your first post.

Nominate five other bloggers.

My first post:


June 15, 2014 2 Comments

Hi! This is my first blog post on this site, so please bear with me as I learn my way around WordPress.  As you can see from my profile, I’m an animal/cat lover, a bit of a geek, and am an author. I have one book published so far and am working on a new book that I hope to have out soon. Visit my website for more info.

So, this was a short and simple little introduction post, obviously.  I wasn’t really sure what to do, as I wasn’t all that familiar with blogging. I had a general idea about it, but didn’t really have much experience with it. And at the time, I was just trying to build up an online presence as an indie author, and have a blog to go along with my social media presence. So I decided to start with just a short and sweet intro post.

After a year, the main reason for the blog hasn’t really changed, but I’ve learned more about blogging, and enjoy it and hope to do more with it in the future.

Now, who to nominate? Whose first posts would I like to see? Hm. How about these 5, and anyone else who would like to take part.

Shelia Renee Parker

By Hook Or By Book

Mollie Hunt




Wattpad Try-out

Well, I felt like trying something new on my day off from work, so I went and joined Wattpad to see how it works and what it might do for me. It is a social site for readers and writers, after all. It might not be bad. If any of you are on there, you can follow me. My user ID is @JeanneOwens and the link is


Oh, and I also sort of pledged to take part in a 30-day writing challenge they’re doing in collaboration with Harlequin. We’ll see how that turns out.